Episode Guide

Twin Peaks Episode Guide.

Warning! This contains numerous plot spoilers.

I stayed up for days pausing and rewinding to write down major plot points for this, and lines for the Humor section, and thought I did a pretty good job. Then I read Television Without Pity's, which was like 15 pages per episode. But I just went to link it for you, and it's not there! I'm back on top!

Jump to an episode:

PilotEpisode 5Episode 10Episode 15
Episode 20Episode 25
Episode 1Episode 6Episode 11Episode 16Episode 21Episode 26
Episode 2Episode 7Episode 12Episode 17Episode 22Episode 27
Episode 3Episode 8Episode 13Episode 18Episode 23Episode 28
Episode 4Episode 9Episode 14Episode 19Episode 25Episode 29

Pilot Episode: "Northwest Passage": Director: David Lynch

Pete Martell finds Laura's body while fishing: "She's dead. . .wrapped in plastic." Ben Horne attempts to get the Norwegians to buy Ghostwoods, and we learn that Bobby and Shelley are having an affair. The principle makes an announcement at school that Laura is dead; Donna and James both cry while Audrey looks cool. Hawk takes Laura's diary from the Palmer home, and we learn that Ronnette Pulaski is missing. Josie and Pete shut down the mill for the day against Catherine's wishes. We then see Ronnette coming over the bridge, bloody, dirty and almost naked. Introducing Special Agent Cooper, who informs us that Twin Peaks is "12 miles south of the Canadian border and 5 miles West of the state line." Cooper finds the letter "R" under Laura's fingernail, and finds cocaine and a safety deposit box key in Laura's diary. Audrey scares the Norwegians away. Cooper watches the tape of Laura and Donna's picnic, tries to find the biker he sees there. Cooper and Truman find half of gold heart necklace and the words "fire walk with me" written in blood on a piece of paper in the train car where Laura was killed. In Laura's safety deposit box, they also find a copy of Fleshworld magazine with a picture of Ronnette, a personal ad from Leo, and \$10,000 . James and Donna flee the roadhouse to bury the other half of the necklace, because she knows that it will incriminate them otherwise. We learn of Josie and Truman's affair. Ending:

European (the one you can buy) version: Sarah Palmer sees BOB in Laura's room in a vision. Cooper and Truman meet the one armed man and BOB, BOB confesses to killing Laura. They give everything away.

US (broadcast on TV) version: In a vision, Sarah sees a mysterious hand take the necklace from where Donna and James hid it.

Season 1:

Episode 1: Director: Duwayne Dunham

Cooper and Truman go over the autopsy with Doc Hayward. They say the cause of death was loss of blood; she had bite marks on her shoulder; rope around her wrists and elbows; and that she had had sex with at least three men in the last 12 hours. Shelley finds Leo's shirt soaked with blood. James Hurley is arrested for murder, after he confesses that he shot the video and was with Laura the night she died. Bobby and Mike explain that they, too, were involved in the drug ring, and needed Laura's $10,000 to get cocaine. Eventually, all three of them are released. Josie tells us that Laura was tutoring her in English. We find out that Catherine Martell and Ben Horne are having an affair. Sarah Palmer has a vision of BOB, scaring the crap out of Donna. We learn that Laura was seeing Dr. Jacoby, who now has the other half of her heart necklace.

Episode 2: Director: David Lynch

Enter Jerry Horne, food connisseur brother of Ben. James has dinner at Donna's ("are you still coming to church with us in the morning, Donna?") where they discuss their love for each other and the guilt they both feel about that love. Awww. Ben and Jerry go to One Eyed Jack's, and somebody slips a note under Cooper's door that reads "Jack With One Eye". Leo gets upset that not all of his cocaine is there; Ed drips grease on Nadine's runners. Cooper sets up his Tibetan intuition exercise. The bottle is hit but does not break for Jacoby, it shatters for Leo Johnson. Audrey dances. Enter Agent Albert Rosenfield. Cooper has a dream where he sees BOB and Mike; Mike tells him all about himself and BOB. The rest of his dream is 25 years later, and he is in th Red Room with the LMFAP and his cousin who looks almost exactly like Laura Palmer. She whispers in his ear who killed Laura.

Episode 3: Director: David Lynch

We find out that Audrey wrote the note to Cooper, and she explains to him that One Eyed Jack's is a brothel across the border. Cooper, although he describes his dream in detail, can't remember who killed Laura: "Break the code, solve the crime." Albert tries to dissect Laura's body, Harry punches him instead. Welcome Madeline Ferguson to the scene ("they're cousins, identical cousins. . ."). Leo tells the cops that he was in Butte, Montana, the night Laura was killed, and Shelley can attest to that. Laura's funeral takes place, where Bobby blames the town and Leland jumps on the coffin. Truman introduces Cooper to the Bookhouse Boys, that Ed's a part of them, that there is a drug ring in Twin Peaks, and that the Renault brothers are the Bookhouse Boys' main targets. Jacoby admits to Cooper that he, too, loved Laura.

Episode 4: Director: Caleb Deschanel

Andy makes a sketch of BOB from Sarah's description of him in her visions. Jacoby reports that he followed a man with a red Corvette the night after Laura was killed, and they discover that Leo Johnson owns a red Corvette. Cooper confirms that Mrs. Palmer's long haired man is the same one from his dream. The forensics team from the FBI say that the bites on Laura were from a bird. Hawk finds the elusive "one-armed man" at a motel, where Cooper and Truman find Philip Gerard. Donna and Audrey agree to do some down-low investigative work themselves. Norma goes to Hank's parole hearing. The cops go to the vet's office, where Cooper interacts with a llama and they confiscate the files, intent on finding the bird that bit Laura. The cops find Leo's bloody shirt at Jacques' apartment, where it has been planted by Bobby. Ben Horne pays Leo to set fire to the mill and make it look like arson. Josie gets a disturbing phone call from Hank Jennings.

Episode 5: Director: David Lynch

Cooper is awoken by the Icelandics; Leland ruins yet another of Ben's attempts to woo the Icelandics. Maddy meets James and Donna. Cooper finds Flesh World in Jacques' apartment, and finds the PO Box where letters are sent to Laura and Ronette registered in Jacques name. Audrey gets a job at the perfume counter at Horne's. Maddy agrees to look for the secret hiding place of Laura's from when they were children for clues. The Briggs family goes for counseling with Dr. Jacoby, who shares a moment with Bobby about Laura. The cops have tea with Log Lady, who tells them what her log knows of Laura's death. They also find Jacques' cabin in woods with the red curtains from Cooper's dream, where they find and take Waldo, the mynah bird. Josie and Ben are double-crossing Catherine. Shelley shoots Leo, he runs away screaming. Cooper comes home to find Audrey naked in his bed.

Episode 6: Director: Caleb Deschanel

Cooper gently disposes of Audrey. Leo finds Bobby with Shelley and plans to shoot him, but he gets distracted. James, Donna, and Maddy listen to Laura's tape, which is to Dr. Jacoby, and they plan to find the others that he might have. Josie confesses to Truman that she caught Ben Horne and Catherine in a motel, and she thinks that they are plotting to set the mill on fire. Truman tells this to Cooper and they agree to look into it. Meanwhile, Catherine discovers that Josie and Ben have taken out a $1 million life insurance policy on her. Leo shoots Waldo; but Cooper's tape recorder reveal the bird mimicking a female voice saying "Laura? Laura? Leo, no! Leo, no!" Cooper and Big Ed prepare for their big stint as, ahem, oral surgeons at One Eyed Jacks. Audrey interviews for a job at One Eyed Jack's and impresses Blackie (and me, damn it!) with her cherry stem skills. Maddy dresses up as Laura to trick Dr. Jacoby, and James and Maddy break into his apartment. Bobby meanwhile sticks a whole lotta cocaine into James' bike.

Episode 7: Director: Mark Frost

Donna and James find Laura's necklace and another tape in Jacoby's place. Jacoby finds "Laura," but is beaten up by somebody and suffers a heart attack. Cooper and Big Ed go to One Eyed Jack's undercover and set up Jacques. Later, they arrest Jacques for the murder of Laura, at which point Andy uses his gun for the first time. Leo kidnaps Shelley and puts her in the mill before he sets fire to it. Nadine attempts suicide by taking pills. Lucy tells Andy she's pregnant. Ed finds Nadine; Catherine gets a call to go to the mill; and Truman discovers the cocaine in James' gas tank. The Islandics sign the Ghostwoods contract. Just as Leo is about to axe Bobby to pieces, he (Leo) is shot by Hank. Catherine gets to the mill just in time for it to explode, at which point Pete saves both Catherine and Shelley. Leland murders Jacques in the hospital cause he thinks he killed Laura. Ben, who is the proprietor, goes to try out the "new girl" at One Eyed Jack's, and Audrey remains stunned as she sees her father in the mirror. The episode, and first season, ends with Agent Cooper getting shot three times in the chest in his hotel room.

Season 2:

Episode 8: Director: David Lynch

Old waiter ("Senor Droolcup") finds Cooper bleeding on his floor; meanwhile Cooper hallucinates and sees a Giant who takes Coop's ring and gives him three clues. He say his ring will be given back when he finds the clues to be true. Audrey has a close encounter of the sexual kind with the owner of One Eyed Jack's (i.e., her daddy). Cooper wakes up and finds his ring missing. Maddy sees the blood on the carpet and flips out. Hawk finds gasoline soaked cloth in Leo's truck; they also find "a new pair of boots and a whole lotta cocaine" in the floor of Leo's house. Donna gets an anonymous message at the RR-"look into the meals on wheels". Cooper discovers that Leo has an alibi for the night Theresa Banks was killed. James gives Truman the tapes Laura made for Jacoby. Jacoby, meanwhile, remembers smelling "scorched engine oil" when Jacques was killed. We learn the story of why Nadine has her eye patch! Cooper solves one of the Giant's clues. Bobby realizes that Hank was the guy who shot Leo. Cooper figures the entirety of Laura's murder out except for who the 3rd man is, the Giant re-appears to cooper and confirms that there is a 3rd man. Ronette has a really scary dream involving Laura's murder and BOB.

Episode 9: Director: David Lynch

Ronnette has woken up. Albert tells Cooper that Windham Earle has escaped from a mental hospital and is loose. Donna starts the Meals on Wheels; meets Mrs Tremond and Grandson. Leland sees Hawk's drawing of BOB and says he knows him. Audrey, uh, interrrupts Emory at One Eyed Jack's and he tells her that her dad is indeed the owner, about the perfume counter and Laura. Bobby and Shelley decide that Shelley won't testify against Leo so that she can get the insurance money for taking care of him. Major Briggs shows Cooper the weird messages from Project Blue Book. James, Maddy and Donna do their stupid song, and Maddy sees BOB in the Hayward's house and freaks out. Audrey calls Cooper from One Eyed Jack's and gets in trouble.

Episode 10: Director: Lesli Linka Glatter

Cooper finds the letter "R" under Ronette's fingernail; he tells Truman and Albert about the Giant and the clues. Donna meets Harold Smith. Enter Dick Tremayne. Leland tells the police that he knows BOB from his summer house on Pearl Lake. Blackie begins shooting Audrey up with heroin. Philip Gerard freaks out. Enter Jean Renault (and Nancy O'Reilly); he organizes a plan to kill Audrey, get Cooper, and get the money from Ben. Cooper figures out clus about Gerard. nadine wakes up form her coma with her superhuman strength believing she is 18 years old. Dr. Jacoby remembers, under hypnosis, stuff about Jacques' murder, namely, that Leland was the killer. Donna visits Laura's grave; James and Maddy share a little kiss. Donna finds Laura's secret diary at Harold Smith's.

Episode 11: Director: Todd Holland

Leland confesses to killing Jacques. Andy's boots, from Gerard, are the same as Leo's. We find out that M.T. Wendt is coming to Twin Peaks. Judge Sterwood comes to town for Leland's trial. Jean Renault makes a deal with Ben Horne: Audrey for Cooper and the money. Jean kills Emory Baddis. Enter Tojamura. Enter Josie's "cousin" Jonathan, who proceeds to beat up Hank.

Episode 12: Director: Graeme Clifford

Cooper finally finds the note from Audrey saying she is at OEJ. Leland gets off with minor probabtionary measures pending his trial. Donna and Harold agree that Donna can read Laura's diary if she tells him her life story. Judge declares Leo incompetent to stand trial, sends him home. Nadine comes back to Twin Peaks as an 18 year old. Tojamura offers Ben $5 million for Ghostwoods. Ben sends Cooper off with the money to get Audrey. Donna and Maddy plan to get the diary from Harold; Donna tells Harold about Josh, Rick, and Tim with her and Laura. Cooper and Truman go to OEJ; find a near dead Audrey; Jean kills Blackie and escapes, finds Hank. Harold scratches his face in anger and scare the shit out of Maddy and Donna.

Episode 13: Director: Lesli Linka Glatter

Cooper gets Audrey back home; Cooper and Truman figure out that Jean really wanted to kill Cooper. Bobby and Shelley's insurance plan doesn't go as planned. Enter Gordon Cole (one of my personal favorites). Jonathan threatens Josie if she doesn't return to Hong Kong. Maddy announces to James that she's leaving Twin Peaks. Ben gives Josie $5 M for the mill land. An "anonymous" letter (from Windham Earle) comes to Cooper. Josie leaves, breaking Harry's heart. One Armed Man's medicine has traces of Haloperidol; Cooper and gang don't give it to him, and Mike comes out to play (and reveals a lot about BOB).

Episode 14: Director: David Lynch

Police take Mike to the Great Northern to find BOB. Hawk finds Harold Smith, who has hanged himself. Maddy tells the Palmers that she's leaving. Police take Laura's secret diary from Harold's. Audrey confronts her dad about On Eyed Jack's and Laura-- he admits he owns it, that he has slept with Laura, and that he loved her. Police arrest Ben for the murder of Laura. Catherine reveals to Pete that she is Tojamura. Sarah Palmer sees a white horse; Maddy smells something funny, like something burning. Cooper sees the Giant at the Roadhouse, who tells him "it is happening again". Leland/BOB kills Maddy.

Episode 15: Director: Caleb Deschanel

Leland has Maddy in his golf bag. Lucy comes back with her sister Gwen, who somehow manages to be more annoying than anyone we've encountered. Cooper and Truman inform Leland that Ben Horne has been arrested for Laura's murder. Norma's mother comes to town with her new husband, Ernie Niles. The One Armed Man escapes throught the window from police surveillance. Pete taks to harry about Josie's leaving; figure out that Josie's "assistant/cousin" is not who he's suppossed to be. Pete brings Catherine's message to Ben in jail: she'll confirm his alibi if he signs the mill over to her. They find the OAM, bring him to Ben, and he declares that BOB is not present. Truman charges Ben with murder nonetheless. It turns out that Hank and Ernie know each other from prison and the past. Truman and Cooper find Maddy's body, wrapped in plastic, at the waterfall.

Episode 16: Director: Tim Hunter

Agent Rosenfield finds the letter "O" under Maddy's fingernail. Donna takes Cooper to the Tremonds'. The young Mrs Tremond gives Donna a letter from Harold Smith. The page from Laura's diary shows that she and Cooper had the same dream, and that "tonight is the night that I die." Mike tes Cooper the secret of his ring, that the Giant can help him, but that he has all the answers he needs. Tojimura visits Ben in jail, reveals that he is really Catherine; Ben gady signs the mill papers and Ghostwoods over to her. Leland scares the crap out of Donna; Donna figures out that Maddy is dead. Cooper stages his thing at the Roadhouse, where he figures out that it was Leland. He gets Leland into the jail cell, where BOB confesses. Lucy tells Andy and Dick the dad-deal. Leland remembers, and dies.

Episode 17: Director: Tim Rathborne

The town attends Leland's funeral. Ed and Dr. Jacoby admit Nadine to high school. Cooper briefly tells Audrey about Windham Earle and Carolyn. Catherine talks to Truman, tells him that she'd been in her family's cabin. Truman inducts Cooper into the Bookhouse Boys. The RCMP and S.A. Roger Hardy come and suspend Cooper from the FBI for rescuing Audrey from Canada. Bobby tries to meet with Ben Horne. Cooper gets interrogated by the FBI and RCMP; has to give up his badge and gun. Nadine tries out for the cheerleading sqaud. Vivian tells Norma that she is M.T. Wndt, after a rather viscious review of the RR; Norma tells her to leave Twin Peaks and take her husband with her, please. Hank and Ernie go to One Eyed Jack's, or "hunting," set up a gambling deal with Jean Renault; we see that Jean is setting Cooper up by planting cocaine in his car (he's still a little peeved that Cooper may have caused the death of his brother). Josie comes home and collapses into Cooper's arms. While nightfishing, Major Briggs starts to tell Cooper about the White Lodge, then Major disappears (after Coop sees an owl).

Episode 18: Director: Duwayne Dunham

Cooper and Truman talk with Mrs. Briggs about the Major's disappearance. Cooper presents no defense to the FBI; the suspension remains in place. James meets Evelyn Marsh. Dick introduces Little Nicky. Coop asks Hawk and Truman about the White Lodge. DEA Agent Dennis/Denise Bryson arrives in town. Truman asks JOsie to tell him the truth; she tells him about Thomas Eckhardt and how she is afraid for her life. Hank tells Ben that that there's been a takeover of One Eyed Jack's and that he doesn't work for him anymore. Cooper gets a package from Windham Earle-- another chess move and a tape. Dougie Miford and Lana get married. Catherine makes Josie her maid/slave (under the pretense of protecting her). Andrew Packard appears!

Episode 19: Director: Caleb Deschanel

Bobby goes to see Ben Horne, who hires him to follow Hank Jennings. Little Nicky's case manager talks with Dick and Andy, tells them his parents were killed. Dougie dies from a heart attack/sex. Nadine joins the wrestling team. James meets Malcolm, Evelyn's brother. Cooper looks at some property to buy-- Dead Dog Farm-- where he finds evidence of a recent meeting and cocaine, despite the real estate agent's claim that no one has been to the property. Air Force tells Cooper and Truman that the messages Major Briggs showed Cooper from deep space actually came from the woods. James and Evelyn kiss. Dick and Andt decide to look into Little Nicky, thinking he's either the devil/homicidal maniac responsible for the deaths of his parents. Agent Bryson gets Ernie to work with them to set up the other men in the drug ring. The Major returns, just as suddeny as he disappeared.

Episode 20: Director: Todd Holland

Major Briggs tells Cooper and Truman that Project Blue Book is concerned with finding the White Lodge. Ben confirms his temporary insanity and starts his Civil War thing. Truman makes Cooper a deputy. Hank tries to beat up Ed, but Nadine beats Hank up instead. Ernie goes through with the drug set up at Dead Dog Farm, where S.A. Bryson's feminine prowess saves the day. Malcolm and Evelyn share a kiss-- guess they ain't brother and sister. The bad guys get busted at the Farm and Cooper kills Bernard Renault. Leo wakes up, scaring Shelley shitless. Cooper and Truman find the dead body from Windham Earle in Truman's office.

Episode 21: Director: Uli Edel

Leo tries to kill Sheeley and Bobby before running off into the woods. Jeffrey Marsh comes home. Cooper tells Truman the story of Windham Earle and Caroline, incuding that Caroline was Earle's wife, and that he thinks Earle killed her. Donna goes to find James; meets Evelyn. Jerry comes back to help Ben. Major Briggs collapses in the Sheriff's station, and tells them that he thinks he was taken to the White Lodge when he disappeared. Dwayne brings a gun to kill Lana. Catherine shows Pete that Andrew is still alive; Thomas Eckhardt arrives in Twin Peaks. Doc Hayward tells Andy and Dick the tear-wrenching story of Nicky's parents' death. Evelyn tells James that Jeffrey died; he realizes she set him up.

Episode 22: Director: Diane Keaton

Evelyn and Malcolm tell the cops that James killed Jeffrey. Bobby and Shelley tell the cops the Leo is gone. Albert and Truman share a hug, as Albert confesses his love. Albert tells Cooper about Windham Earle's false mail bombs and shows him the pictures of Caroline's wedding clothes that accompanied them. Windham Earle forces Leo to work for him as he puts on the electric collar (it almost makes you like Windham Earle. . .) Nadine crawls into bed with Ed and Norma,tells them that she's with Mike. Cooper and Truman tell Josie that Jonathan was killed; Cooper takes a sample of material off a coat of Josie's. Audrey and Jerry contemplate just leaving Ben crazy. Donna pleads with Evelyn to stop framing James. Cooper's material sample matches the one taken from outside his room-- Josie shot Cooper. She's also wanted for the murder of Jonathan. Cooper asks Pete, the chess champ, to help him beat Windham Earle. Truman tels Norma that Hank is being charged with attempted murder of Leo. Thomas Eckardt pays Josie a visit; Catherine agrees to give her to him. James comes to make Evelyn change her mind. Audrey, Jacoby, and Jerry get in on the Civil War action; the North surrenders, the South wins! Ben goes back to normal, thinks it was all a dream. Malcolm tries to kill James, Evelyn kills Malcolm. Cooper finds Earle's audiotape in his bed.

Episode 23: Director: Lesli Linka Glatter

Josie sees Andrew Packard and faints. Truman arrests Hank for attempted murder; Hank hints to Truman that Josie killed Andrew. Albert tells Cooper that bullets from him match those in Jonathan. Audrey meets John Justice Wheeler; receives her poem piece from Windham Earle. Nadine tells Ed that she's breaking up with him, as she's in love with Mike. Ben unveils his pine weasel plan- to "save the woods" but really to stop Catherine's Ghostwoods development. Norma announces her sister is coming to town, fresh out of the convent (no place like Twin Peaks to send you screaming back in). Shelley gets her poem piece. Norma visits Hank in jail, refuses to help him. Andrew talks to Josie; Donna talks to James. Mutual understandings all around! Andrew shows himself to Thomas Eckhardt. Donna, Audrey and Shelley meet at the roadhouse and put the poem together (by the way, it's "Love's Philosophy" by Percy Shelly). Josie shoots Thomas; Josie mysteriously and suddenly dies. Well, Cooper sees BOB behind the bed. Josie's face appears on the knob.

Episode 24: Director: James Foley

Truman sinks into alcohol after the death of Josie. Annie Blackburn arrives in Twin Peaks! Cooper reveals that Doc Hayward couldn't determine a cause of death for Josie, and that her body only weighed 65 pounds when she died. Jones gives Catherine the box, as a present from Thomas Eckhardt. Windham Earle pays Donna a visit at her house. Margaret and Major Briggs tell Cooper that they have similar tattoos: she got hers walking in the woods, after a flood of light and the call of an owl as well. Ben Horne visits Mrs. Hayward; Windham Earle visits Sheeley. Cooper meets Annie. Cooper and Hawk help Truman out of his funk. At the pine weasel gathering, Ben discusses his newfound philosophy with Catherine, the weasel attaches itself to Dick Tremayne, and Audrey and Jack kiss. Jones gets into bed with Truman.

Episode 25: Director: Duwayne Dunham

Jones seduces Harry, tries to kill him, he snaps out of it. The Bonsai tree arrives at the Police Department, says it is from Josie. Doc Hayward gives Cooper the chess piece Windham Earle left at his house. Gordon Cole arrives in Twin Peaks. Cooper discovers that Windham Earle worked on Project Blue Book. Gordon re-installs Cooper into the FBI. Donna follows her mom to Ben Horne's office. Gordon falls in love with Shelley; Cooper falls in love with Annie. Donna gets a postcard from James. Windham Earle visits Audrey at the library (she's studying civil disobedience). Ben and Audrey have a heart to heart; she goes to Seattle. Cooper and the boys go to Owl Cave, find the thingamagig. Cooper and Annie talk. Windham Earle turns the thingamagig in OWl Cave, the cave starts to crumble.

Episode 26: Director: Jonathan Sanger

Cooper and the boys return to Owl Cave and discover that Windham Earle has been there. Windham Earle informs Leo of his intentions to find the Black Lodge. Lana convinces Dwayne to rig the Miss Twin Peaks contest. Major Briggs agrees to look into Earle's involvement with Project Blue Book. Cooper discovers that Leo wrote the poem sent to the girls by Earle. Earle kills Rusty. Ben addresses the Twin Peaks contest board and convinces them, with a heartfelt feminist speech, to have the topic of the speeches for the contest be "How to Save Our Forests." Truman goes to talk to Catherine about Josie; Pete partly opens Catherine's mystery box. Cooper and Annie have a heart to heart, share a kiss; Earle watches. Dick has his wine tasting soiree. Gordon gets to kiss Shelley, his goddess. Cooper and John Justice have a heart to heart about love before John leaves for Brazil. Donna asks her mom about Ben Horne, to no avail. The police find Earle's chess piece, with Rusty inside, with the note, "next time it will someone you know."

Episode 27: Director: Stephen Gyllenhaal

Lucy tells Andy that she's going to choose the father of her baby in 24 hours. Ben and Doc Hayward talk about "the truth." Donna finds her birth certificate with no father's name, and chummy pictures of her mom and dad and Ben Horne (hmmm. . ..) Major Briggs reports that Earle went crazy while working on Project Blue Book when he first heard of the Black Lodge, shows the police the tape. Bobby and Shelley have a heart to heart after Gordon's kiss. Cooper meets with Donna, Audrey, and Shelley about the poem- and they each tell him about "meeting" Earle. Earle drugs and kidnaps Major Briggs. Audrey makes it to the airport just in time to reveal she is a virgin, so Jack chivalrously makes love to her in his jet before leaving her forever. Major Briggs reveals to the PD that he first saw the petroglyph in Owl Cave in dreams, which occurred during his disappearance. "There is a time when Saturn and Jupiter meet" that will explain what the petroglyph signs mean. The Giant appears to Cooper and warns him to not let Annie enter the Miss Twin Peaks contest. WIndham discovers the petroglyph is a map to the Black Lodge. The episode ends with a shot of Glastonberry Grove. BOB appears out of nowhere-- his right hand first, then his whole body as he cries, "I'm out!" The signature red drapes of the Red Room reflect in the small pond, where the trees should reflect (hmmm. . . )

Episode 28: Director: Tim Hunter

Leo and Major Briggs are trapped in Earle's cabin, where Leo releases a drugged Major and asks him to save Shelley. Audrey and her dad have a heart to heart about Jack; ben convinces Audrey to run for Miss Twin Peaks. Cooper reveals that when Josie dies, he saw BOB, and that he thinks Josie died from the fear. He thinks the Black Lodge is "the evil in these woods," as Truman says, and that BOB is attracted by fear. Earle leaves Leo in the awful spider trap thing to die. Lana seduces Dick. Cooper has a heart to heart with Diane about Annie; Annie and Cooper have sex. Ed tells Nadine he and Norma are getting married; Nadine responds that she and Mike are too. Hawk finds a very drugged Major Briggs, who tells the cops nothing. Pete, Catherine, and Andrew find a key in the mystery box. Cooper figures out that the petroglyph says when the door to the Black Lodge opens (when Jupiter and Saturn are aligned); Andy realizes its a map and also says where the door is. Donna discovers that Ben Horne is her father. Lucy chooses Andy to be the father of her baby. Annie wins Miss Twin Peaks; Nadine gets knocked out; "The Log Lady" kidnaps Annie. Andy is finally able to reveal to Cooper that he figured out the petroglyph is a map.

Episode 29: Director: David Lynch

Cooper tries to figure out the map; Pete reports that the Log Lady stole his truck, and took it to the woods. Cooper finally realizes that Glastonberry Grove is a circle of 12 sycamores, like in the petroglyph, and Hawk says thats where he found the bloody towel and diary pages. The Log Lady comes in holding a jar of oil. She says her husband brought it back from a walk in the woods, and said, "this oil is an opening to a gateway". It also smells like scorched engine oil, which Ronnette identifies as the smell from the night Laura was killed. Earle takes Annie into Glastonberry Grove and the Black Lodge. Nadine has come to, and realizes that she's not 16, much to the dismay of everyone else. Ben Horne wreaks havoc at the Haywards, and Doc knocks him out (is he dead. . ?) Andrew switches keys. Cooper goes into the Black Lodge; Truman watches as Cooper just disappears into the trees/curtains. Inside, Cooper watches Jimmy Scott sing about sycamore trees; Truman tells Andy, in the morning, that Cooper has been inside for 10 hours. Audrey stages her act of civil disobedience by chaining herself to the vault at the Twin Peaks Federal Savings and Loan to protest their financial ties to the Ghostwoods plan. Pete and Andrew go to the bank as well to open the safety deposit box; inside is a bomb, and the bank explodes (are Pete, Andrew, and Audrey dead. . . ?) Sarah Palmer goes to the RR and says, in a very weird voice, "I'm in the Black Lodge with Dale Cooper" to Major Briggs. (In the hearing impaired version, the subtitles say its in Windham Earle's voice.) The dwarf tells Cooper that this (the Red Room) is the waiting room. Laura comes and tells Cooper she'll see him again in 25 years. The old waiter appears, makes the Indian whooping noise, and then the Giant is there, who says "one and the same." Cooper sees Maddy, "Laura" starts screaming at him, he starts to bleed, finds himself and Caroline/Annie in their slaughtered position in Pittsburgh. Cooper finds Annie, she says her husband killed her, she turns into Caroline's doppleganger, who turns into Laura's doppleganger, who turns into Windham Earle, as Annie stands on the side. Earle says, "if you give me your soul, I'll let Annie live," and Cooper says OK. Next thing we know, BOB appears and tells Cooper to go, that Earle is wrong, that "he can't ask for your soul, I will take his". Then Cooper's doppleganger joins in BOB's laughter. Cooper's doppleganger starts to chase Cooper, who gets scared. Finally, the bad Cooper catches the good Cooper, and BOB laughs. Cooper and Annie are thrown out of the Lodge.
And in the last part of the most brilliant and depressing series finale ever, we realize that BOB has inhabited Cooper.